One of the great benefits of utilizing waste heat to power equipment for facilities that currently use power in a cooling process is that they will not only recover their waste heat and turn it into electricity, but will reduce the cost of power used for the cooling process.
Example: Mid-Stream Natural Gas Processing requires cooling compressed gas. Our waste heat to power (WHP) technologies can significantly reduce the power required to cool the gas and generate on site power at the same time.
Investing in our WHP technologies creates new energy efficiencies and will give the power sector greater flexibility in meeting air pollution emission standards, achieve multi-pollutant emission reductions, and help America to be more energy secure.
Our waste heat to power technologies are a perfect fit for distributed generation, reducing the need for more transmission lines and infrastructure. With the exponentially growing demand for electricity, the old model of centralized power generation which requires expensive transmission and distribution power lines crisscrossing the country is changing to Distributed Generation which generates power at or near the site where it is used. Not only is distributed generation less expensive, it reduces the need for new power plant and power line construction.